Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Frozen in time

Well I just finished my first polonaise dress.  I love it! 

I had  fun with the hat also.  I got the straw base at Hobby Lobby and reblocked it and added a ribbon.

The Event was a new one the The Old Cowtown Museum.  It was called Frozen in Time.  The day transported back to May 28, 1870.  All who where involved crew, volunteers, and visitors enjoyed a day of a time gone by.  I was Mrs. L.M. Lamb the wife of owner and propietor of the Southern Hotel.  It was a lot of fun.  I am looking forward future days similar to this one. 

This is my niece that came to see me.

This is not all, but most of us.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

May projects

Hello all,

I hope life find you well.  I have been busy this month.  I have almost completed my first corset for my self.  I did make a chemises and a very pretty petticoat.  I would a couple more.  I made a modern cotton dress for my nieces high school graduation, which went together quite quickly.  About 2.5 hrs.

I am now working on a polonaise for our frozen in time event over memorial weekend.  I will be portraying a hotel keepers wife.  Fun stuff. 

So my project list for the next three days are:

work 12hr 7p-7a
Cut out pattern for polonaise and skirt
Sleep some ; )

Construct and fit polonaise on Gerti.
Eat, sleep, sew.  Repeat until finish.


Have a two hour meeting that has two hour travel time.
Work 12 hrs
Work on hat for out fit

work 12 hrs
Make belt

Finish dress as needed.
Bake two pies, Fry chicken, make scones for breakfast


Have a blast

Well that is my week in a nut shell.  I have great intentions to not procrastinate on projects, but something always comes up and I have to rush to finish.  Oh well! 

I will keep you posted.

Lots of Love

Monday, April 18, 2011

Civil War day dress


I am checking in and to say that I am finished with my civil war dress.  We had a great day at the museum with many soliders and so many visitors that we had to turn them away.  It took me about two full days of sewing to complete my dress.  When I started I only had part one of the pattern so after a frantic email to the pattern place I did get the rest of the pattern. 

I made this dress to be a sheer, but the material is more of a semisheer. 

I have it modeled on Gertie, who is my dress form.

I made the belt out of ribbon that matched the trim.  I was inspired by one of my fellow dressmakers off of Sewing Academy website.  I also made the hat.

I had a lot of fun with constuction, but I have several things that I would change.  I plan on taking the skirt and bodice and attach it in a differnt way.

Hope you like it.


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My dress form

Hey all,

It has been a busy month.  I don't know where all of the time has gone.  I still have not completed a single item on my list.  I have all of them started, but none finished.  I have had a great time out at Old Cowtown with the various visitors and such.  We had a volunteer appreciation meeting and I was awarded with the Newest volunteer with the most hours award.  I was so surprised because I have only been doing this from the last of Sept and we close for the winter in early Nov.   

Okay so the first pic of me that you see I don't want it to be horrid so this is me in some of my garb. 

I did get my duct tape dress form finished.  It was fun to do I look awful in the pictures, but here they are.  LOL

Okay I know that I am a big dork....

Now I have to get in gear to finish all of these.....

1.  Bustle dress for a friend.
2.  Corset
3.  Corded petticoat
4.  Fancy petticoat
5.  Corset
6.  Chemises
7.  Drawers, maybe?
8.  Civil war dress.  Started to cut it out the other day , but only had the bottom part of the dress.  The company will be sending me the rest of pattern I hope will be here by tomorrow.

All of these I would like to have finished by April 16th.

I know crazy. 

The only one that I need finish is the dress so I will be fine, I hope.

Here is the dress that I am making for our first official open day at the museum Civil War Day.

The fabric is a pale sheer pink and the trim is a darker Burgundy.  I have the hat finished so I won't have to worry about that.

I will post more pic when I get finished. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011



I have not been on here for a while.  I  have made some progress on the corded petticoat.  I am about 3/4 of the way finished.  I have also almost completed a bustle dress for the museum that I volunteer at. 

I have gotten my pattern for my civil war dress, material, trim, my busk, and stays for my new corset. 

I am so excited to get started.  I have a lot to get finished and only about month to get it all finished. 

Wish me luck.


Sunday, February 20, 2011

1870's bustle dresses

Here are a few of the dress that I have made so far.  Please keep in mind that I am just starting out in this costuming world.


This is the very first dress that I had made.  I made this hat as well.  Picture is not the best, sorry.

I also have a bustle to go with this next outfit, but I don't have any pictures. 

This is my second dress that I made.  Please don't look at the wrinkles I had been in a car for two hours and out at an event all day.

I made the hat and jabot as well.

This is my Witches costume for Halloween. 
The older lady is Kentucky Annie!  One of the Dixie Lee dancers, who has been performing for at least 20 years or more.  She is why I always wanted to be a reenactor.

I have more pics of my Christmas dress, but I have yet to move into the technological age with a new digital camera and have to get the film developed. 

Sick and tired


Just wanted to update on the corded petticoat.  Well,  I have not made much progress.  I was sick and then I decided to go house shopping.  But mostly I am not really for sure how to make a corded petticoat.  If any of you would have any advice on what steps I should take. 

On other news.  I have purchased my fabric and pattern for my civil war dress that I need for April.  I am very excited to get started. 

Also I hope to make a dress form (body double) with a help from a good friend. 

Well Have a bless day.

Lots of Love


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Corded Petticoat.


Okay here goes. I have decided to make a corded petticoat. *gulp.* I just purchased the muslin and cording I hope to have it finished in a few days. I think that I will be using the technique from a blog. That is all for today. I will keep you updated.

Lots of love,

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

New year New Blog


It is a new year and I think that I am going to change my blog to focus on my adventures in Historical Dress making. My next project is going to be a 1860's sheer civil war dress. I am so excited. I have made about 5 dresses from the 1870's for my reenacting at a Living history museum here. I hope to keep you up to date with my endeavors in to the dressmaking adventures.